Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh): Hindu Raksha Dal has claimed responsibility for the controversial slogan-raising incident at Delhi's Jantar Mantar. The National President of Hindu Raksha Dal, Pinky Chaudhary has released the video claiming that the Hindu Raksha Dal takes responsibility whatsoever in connection with the controversial slogan-raising incident that took place during the Bharat Jodo Movement.
It is known that the Hindu Raksha Dal had been embroiled in controversies several times and was also accused of having allegedly targeted Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal's office in Ghaziabad in the past. The live video of which had also surfaced at that time. There are also several other controversies in which the Hindu Raksha Dal had been involved in and Pinky Chaudhary had even gone to jail in connection with one of the controversies. Now, again the Hindu Raksha Dal chief Pinky Chaudhary has stoked a new controversy by releasing a video, claiming that the Hindu Raksha Dal takes responsibility for whatever has happened at Jantar Mantar. He also added that the government should forgive those who resorted to sloganeering adding that they are all activists of Hindu Raksha Dal.