New Delhi: A tricolor procession or 'Tiranga Yatra' was launched from Delhi's Jahangirpuri on Sunday evening in an attempt to pacify the rising communal tensions in the area over the past week. The locals and peace committee here said that the Yatra would comprise people from both Hindu and Muslim communities, thus sending a message of unity and brotherhood amid rife differences. The organizers had taken official permission from the administration for the procession, which followed a meeting of the peace committee with the Delhi Police as well as people from the Hindu and Muslim communities on Friday.
The yatra set out at 6 pm in the evening, reportedly comprised of a total of 50 people from both the communities carrying Indian tricolor flags in their hands. The locals on the procession stretch welcomed the yatra by showering flowers from the roofs of their houses. The procession area was also heavily deployed with police officials to ensure no clashes or chaos during the peaceful procession.