Meerut: After the UP Congress fielded Archana Gautam, who is also popularly known as the Bikini Queen, from the Hastinapur assembly of Meerut for the upcoming assembly polls, the party is being criticised for its unexpected decision. Reacting to this, the National Vice President of the Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha Pandit Ashok Sharma said that he strongly condemns this nomination.
He said that Hastinapur is a holy land with religious, historical and ancient importance, which is why Congress should not have named an actress with 'problematic' behaviour from this constituency. "This woman posts her half-naked pictures in bikini on the social media. It hurts our sentiments to see such a woman contesting from our holy land. We strongly condemn her nomination," he told the sources.
Sharma further criticised Congress saying that the mentality of the party has been exposed by this decision. "Congress is not going to succeed anyway. But they should have understood that they cannot field woman with such unholy behaviour from a religious land like Hastinapur," he said. He further said that he would have opposed the BJP also had it done anything of such sort.