Mandi: The police have arrested one accused Parul and detained his two accomplices Vikrant and Prince in connection with the murder case of one youth-Dheeraj Thakur (19), a native of Thadu village, under Sarkaghatpolice station in Mandi district today. The reason behind the death is said to be an overdose of drugs. Police recovered the buried dead body of Dheeraj upon the directions of his friends at Bakkar Khad near Nalyana village of Sarkaghat,
Actually, Dheeraj went missing on April 26. As per Dheeraj's father, "my son was addicted to drugs and on 26th April, he left home for attending ITI classes in Hamirpur, but when till late evening he didn't come back. I called him, over which he said he is having a night's stay at Parul's (friend) place and will return by tomorrow. But he didn't return,"
After which, he along with other family members tried to search for him on their own but when they couldn't get any clue, they filed a complaint on 30th April at Sarkaghat Police Station.