Kullu: One person has been reported dead and at least six people have gone missing after a cloudburst hit Choj village of Manikarn Valley in Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday, officials said. In another cloudburst in Malana area, at least half a dozen parked vehicles and several mules in a tin shed were washed away. As per the officials, the cloudburst hit Choj village early this morning after overnight rains causing serious damage to the property and displacing people.
The bridge leading to the village was also damaged in the calamity. SP Gurdev Sharma, while confirming the incident, said a team of police and local administration has left for the spot to take stock of the situation. However, the damage to the bridge in the cloudburst has made it difficult for the rescuers to access the village. The administration has meanwhile appealed to the masses not to go near the banks of rivers and streams and other spots vulnerable to flash floods.