Shimla: An audio clip has gone viral in Shimla where Khalistani supporters have threatened Himachal CM Jai Ram Thakur. The Khalistani supporters have announced that the CM will not be allowed to hoist the national flag on August 15. They have announced a reward of 10,000 USD for anyone, who stops the CM from hoisting the national flag. The calls came from the unknown numbers registered in Spain and England. The Himachal Police has been alerted to the threatening calls which have been made available even to some journalists in the state.
In the record sent to the journalists, Khalistani supporters have threatened that Himachal Pradesh CM Jai Ram Thakur would not be allowed to hoist the national flag on August 15. It states that Himachal was a part of Punjab. A referendum will be held in Punjab and Himachal will be included in Punjab again.
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