Udupi:Hours after the Karnataka High Court upheld the state government's ban on wearing of Hijab in schools and colleges on Tuesday, the student petitioners from Udupi said that they will not go to college without Hijab and will continue to fight for their rights legally till they get "justice".
"We had believed in the High Court and the system however the verdict is against us," one of the petitioners said. "We had approached the High Court seeking permission to wear hijab in the classrooms. The order has come against us. We will not go to the college without hijab but we will fight for it. We will try all the legal ways. We will fight for justice and our rights," the girls said in a press conference in this coastal town.
If the hijab was not necessary, the girls said, "we would not have worn it and we wouldn't have been fighting for it." They added that they needed both education and Hijab, and nobody should ask them to choose one. "We fill fight for Hijab. We will fight for our constitutional rights. The Hijab row has been communalized for political gain. Religion and education are very important to us," said the pro-Hijab activists.