Bengaluru:The Karnataka High Court will take up the petitions filed by students of the Government Pre-University College for Girls, Udupi, demanding permission to attend classes while wearing 'hijab', on February 8. The advocate-general Prabhuling K. Navadagi, who was served an advance copy of the plea, sought time. Considering the request, the bench headed by Justice Krishna S. Dixit on Thursday posted the matter to February 8.
The students in the petition have submitted that the college authorities have refused them the right to attend classes only because they wear hijab. They have further requested the court to issue directions to the government to not to interfere with their religious and fundamental rights. They mentioned that wearing hijab is an essential part of their religion.
Read:No permission for hijab or saffron shawls in schools: Karnataka Home Minister
The students have also explained in their petition that they wore hijab along with the uniform. The petitioners said that the Principal, Vice Principal and lecturers humiliated them for wearing hijab. They further said that the 'students following the Islamic religion and wearing hijab were denied entry into the college on December 28, 2021'. The petition also claimed that from the last week of December 2021, their class teacher did not allow them to sit in the class, and were asked to bring their parents.