Mangaluru:The Hijab row escalated in Karnataka on Monday with some girl students of the Mangalore University approaching the deputy commissioner of Dakshina Kannada district seeking permission to wear the Islamic headscarves on the campus. The 12 students who renewed the demand for wearing Hijab inside educational institutions on Saturday, came to the University College on Monday as well.
Since there is a dress code in place for the students, the university authorities did not allow them to enter on Saturday as well as on Monday. After they were told to approach the deputy commissioner of the district, three students went to his office and submitted a memorandum. The deputy commissioner Dr Rajendra K V said the college authorities barred their entry after the university syndicate decided not to allow any cloth, whether Hijab or saffron scarves, that could disturb peace and cited the recent High Court ruling which said Hijab is not an essential religious practice and dress code should be followed in the college where the uniform dress has been prescribed.
Speaking to reporters, Dr Rajendra said some students who were aggrieved with the university syndicate order had approached him. "I told them that I cannot challenge the decision of the syndicate members at the district level and you have to abide by the order and rules of the syndicate. They also have to look at the legal aspects as well. I have also appealed to them to ensure peace on the college campus," he said.
Also read:Mangaluru: Hijab row resurfaces; College students protest against Muslim girls wearing hijab