Udaipur (Rajasthan): Five people including three children died while 15 others were injured in a road accident in the Udaipur district on Wednesday evening. As per the initial inputs, a pickup vehicle full of passengers returning from the engagement ceremony lost its balance and fell into a 30 feet deep gorge behind the Nandeshwar Mahadev temple resulting in the deaths of five people and injuries to at least 15 others. The injured were shifted to MB Hospital.
Five dead, 15 injured in Rajasthan road mishap
As per the initial inputs, a pickup vehicle full of passengers returning from the engagement ceremony lost its balance and fell into a 30 feet deep gorge behind the Nandeshwar Mahadev temple resulting in the deaths of five people and injuries to at least 15 others.
Five dead, 15 injured in Rajasthan road mishap
MLA Phool Singh Meena, Collector Tarachand Meena and SP Manoj Kumar reached the Hospital shortly after the mishap took place. It is being speculated that the pickup truck was overloaded which led to the accident.