Mumbai:The IMD on Tuesday issued a heavy rainfall alert for Maharashtra over the next four days, following which Chief Minister Eknath Shinde directed the administration to take precautions and ensure there is no loss of life or property. The statement came after the Kundalika river in Raigad district, located near Mumbai, crossed the danger mark resultant of the incessant rains. The rains also caused severe water logging at several places in the financial capital, leading to a major halt in the day-to-day activities across the city. Other than Mumbai, several surrounding districts have been adversely affected by the continuous downpour.
Also read:Heavy rains, lightning kill 13 in Maharashtra; over 560 people rescued
"The situation in Mumbai is being closely monitored. The Kundalika river in Raigad has crossed the danger mark. The water level of the Amba, Savitri, Patalganga, Ulhas and Gadhi rivers was a little less than the danger mark," the IMD notification said. The IMD has therefore issued an 'orange alert' for the south Konkan region and Goa and a 'yellow alert' for the north Konkan, north-central and south-central Maharashtra and Marathwada regions. The MeT department issues four colour-coded predictions based on the prevailing weather systems. The green colour indicates no warning, yellow is to keep a watch, orange is to stay alert, while red means a warning and that action needs to be taken.