New Delhi:Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan on Wednesday wrote to the Odisha Chief Secretary Suresh Chandra Mohapatra suggesting measures to control the spread of COVID-19 in the state. In his letter, the Union Health Secretary stated that although the trajectory of daily new cases of COVID-19 has fallen substantially in the country, there is a need for continued monitoring of weekly case positivity, as well as cases trajectory in each district to identify any early warning signals of the spread of infection.
"It is a point of concern that presently, three districts of Odisha are reporting weekly positivity of more than 10 per cent (28th June to 4th July). Though the State positivity is consistently decreasing and has reported positivity of 5.36 per cent for the week ending 4th July. The district of Nuapada has shown a significant increase in positivity over the last week," read the letter. Highlighting the critical areas of concern after further analysis, Bhushan in his letter said that although the cases have shown a continuous decline since past four weeks, the State has five districts (Baleshwar, Cuttack, Jagatsinghapur, Kendrapara, and Khordha) that have shown an increase in the week ending July 4 when compared with the previous week. He stated that Odisha has a low CFR of less than 0.46 per cent. However continuous monitoring of daily new deaths needs to be done.
"There has been an increase in the number of deaths reported by the state over the past two weeks. Khorda district has reported 58 deaths over the last week, the highest in the state. The total deaths reported by the state for the same period are 309," Bhushan said in the letter. He said that the above-mentioned points are a cause for concern, and in order to not let the situation slip out of control, he listed various points and urged the Odisha chief secretary to focus on them and take necessary action at the earliest. Suggesting strict containment measures, Bhushan asserted that containment is the most crucial strategy of flattening this current curve. He said that it is critical to plan effective containment measures and implement them stringently, and to strengthen all our efforts made for prompt contact tracing of the close contacts of positive cases and immediate quarantine /isolation of all suspected and confirmed cases as per the guidelines issued by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Also read: Covid spike: Union Health Secy chairs high-level meet with 12 States, UTs