New Delhi: The Health Ministry on Thursday issued the "Revised guidelines for home isolation of mild/asymptomatic COVID-19 cases", in which it advised against attempting to procure or administer Remdesivir injections at home, underlining that it should be administered only in a hospital setting.
The guidelines stated that systemic oral steroids are not indicated in mild cases and if the symptoms (persistent fever, worsening cough etc.) persist beyond seven days, the treating doctor should be consulted for treatment with low-dose oral steroids.
Elderly patients aged more than 60 years and those with co-morbid conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, chronic lung or liver or kidney disease, cerebrovascular disease etc. shall only be allowed home isolation after a proper evaluation by the treating medical officer, it added.
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In case of falling oxygen saturation levels or shortness of breath, the person should require hospital admission and seek immediate consultation with the treating physician or surveillance team.
Elderly patients aged more than 60 years and those with co-morbid conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, chronic lung or liver or kidney disease, cerebrovascular disease etc. shall only be allowed home isolation after a proper evaluation by the treating medical officer.
According to the revised guidelines, the patients may perform warm-water gargles or take steam inhalation twice a day.
"If fever is not controlled with a maximum dose of the tab. Paracetamol 650 mg four times a day, consult the treating doctor, who may consider advising other drugs like a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) (ex: tab. Naproxen 250 mg twice a day).
"Tab. Ivermectin (200 mcg/kg once a day, to be taken on an empty stomach) for 3 to 5 days should be considered," the guidelines stated.
Inhalational Budesonide (given via inhalers with spacer at a dose of 800 mcg twice daily for five to seven days) to be given if the symptoms (fever and/or cough) persist beyond five days, they added.
The decision to administer Remdesivir or any other investigational therapy must be taken by a medical professional and it should be administered only in a hospital setting, the ministry said.
"Do not attempt to procure or administer Remdesivir at home. Systemic oral steroids are not indicated in mild disease. If symptoms persist beyond seven days (persistent fever, worsening cough etc.), consult the treating doctor for treatment with low-dose oral steroids," the guidelines said.
The revised guidelines stated that the asymptomatic cases are laboratory-confirmed cases that are not experiencing any symptoms and having oxygen saturation at room air of more than 94 per cent, while the mild cases are patients with upper respiratory tract symptoms (and/or fever) without shortness of breath and having oxygen saturation at room air of more than 94 per cent.