Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Monday directed Maharashtra minister and NCP leader Nawab Malik to submit an affidavit in response to a defamation suit filed against him by Dhyandev Wankhede, father of Narcotics Control Bureau's (NCB) Mumbai zonal director Sameer Wankhede. A vacation bench of Justice Madhav Jamdar asked Malik to file his affidavit by Tuesday and posted the matter for further hearing on Wednesday.
"You (Malik) file your reply by tomorrow. If you can reply on Twitter, you can reply here also," Justice Jamdar said, without passing any order, restraining Malik from making any further statements against the plaintiff (Dhyandev Wankhede). Advocate Arshad Shaikh, appearing for Dhyandev Wankhede, told the court that every day some false and defamatory statement is being made by the defendant (Malik), which then leads to further comments on social media that are further defamatory.
Today morning, the defendant posted a tweet about Sameer Wankhede's sister-in-law, Shaikh said in his arguments. He urged the court to either direct Malik to stop or he should restrain himself from making any further statements till the matter is heard. Malik's advocate Atul Damle, while seeking time to file an affidavit to the suit, told the court that the plaintiff cannot speak on behalf of his adult children and Malik is not responsible for what other persons have commented on social media.
Also Read: NCB officer Sameer Wankhede was part of plot to 'kidnap' Aryan Khan, claims Nawab Malik