Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Monday directed the Maharashtra government and Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) to file affidavits in response to a petition challenging the inclusion of the Mahim Nature Park in the Dharavi redevelopment project. A division bench of Chief Justice Dipankar Datta and Justice Abhay Ahuja was hearing a public interest litigation (PIL) claiming that the Mahim Nature Park, which is a protected forest, has been unlawfully included in the redevelopment of Dharavi, Asia's largest slum.
The PIL filed by NGO Vanshakti and environmental activist Zory Bathena stated that it wants to ensure that the park, admeasuring 27 acres, is not unlawfully covered under the proposed Dharavi redevelopment project. The petitioners had earlier written to the project authority seeking a clarification on whether the park was included within the Dharavi notified area, when it should have been entirely deleted from the project documents.
Senior counsel Milind Sathe, appearing for the project authority, told the court on Monday that it has already clarified to the petitioners that the Mahim Nature Park was not included in the redevelopment project. But the authority was, however, silent on whether the park would be shown in the category of "excluded area" in the tender documents.