Mumbai:The Bombay High Court on Tuesday sought the Union government's reply to a petition seeking deletion of the name 'Prime Minister' from the PM CARES Fund trust and also deletion of the PM's photo as well as images of the national flag and the emblem of India from the trust's official website.
The Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by Congress member Vikrant Chavan said this was violative of the provisions of the Constitution of India and The Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act.
The PIL, which was heard by a division bench of Justices A A Sayed and S G Dige, sought a direction to the Centre to remove the name 'Prime Minister' from the fund trust's name- Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations (PM CARES) Fund.
The plea also sought deletion of the photographs of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the emblem of India and the national flag from the trust's website.
According to the petition, this was in violation of the provisions of the Constitution of India and The Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act.