New Delhi:The Delhi High Court on Tuesday sought the CBI's stand on a bail plea filed by National Stock Exchange (NSE) former group operating officer Anand Subramanian in the co-location scam case. Representing the accused, senior advocate Vikas Pahwa argued that an incomplete chargesheet has been filed in the case and sought a mandatory bail under the Criminal Procedure Code as well as on merits.
Justice Sudhir Kumar Jain then issued a notice seeking the CBI's response. The former GOO was arrested by the CBI on February 24 and was remanded to custodial interrogation. He was sent to judicial custody on March 9.
In his bail plea filed through advocate Alok Tripathi, Subramanian has stated that a trial court wrongly dismissed his plea for default bail in the matter by an order passed on May 28. An FIR in this case was registered in May 2018 amid fresh revelations about irregularities at the country's largest stock exchange. The CBI is probing the alleged improper dissemination of information from the computer servers of the market exchanges to the stock brokers.