New Delhi: A Delhi High Court bench headed by Justice Siddharth Mridul on Friday said that the speeches given by Umar Khalid during the Delhi riots 2020 are not acceptable prima facie, further directing the Delhi Police to file a response to his plea seeking bail in the case by April 27. The said bail application filed in the case is under the stringent UAPA, while the Delhi Police represented by special public prosecutor Amit Prasad was given three days to file a short response against it.
The High Court further highlighted a part of the speech where Khalid allegedly referred to people's ancestors in an 'obnoxious way'. Quoting his remarks ''Jab aapke purvaj dalali kar rahe the' (When your ancestors were brokering), the court stated that 'things like these are very like to incite people.' "There are no qualms against free speech but what are you saying is offensive per se. You said it at least five times. Don't you think it foments religious ferment between groups? Did Gandhi Ji or Bhagat Singh ever employ this language?" questioned the court.
The court asked if free speech can extend to "obnoxious statements" and if Khalid's speech did not attract sections 153 A and section 153 B (of IPC) -- a law against promoting enmity between religious groups. "It is very easy to invoke Bhagat Singh but difficult to emulate him. There was a gentleman who was eventually hanged, but he stayed there, he did not run away. You are saying you weren't even there," the court further said.