New Delhi:The Delhi High Court on Thursday restrained the Income Tax Department from proceeding further on the show cause notice issued to Rajya Sabha MP and senior advocate Kapil Sibal in relation to the assessment proceedings pending against him. A bench of Justice Rajiv Shakdher and Justice Tara Vitasta Ganju issued a notice and asked the income tax authorities to file a response on the petition of the former Congress leader.
We are of the view that since the impugned notice has been challenged on jurisdiction as well as on the breach of principles of natural justice, it would require some amount of deliberation, the bench said. In the meanwhile, the concerned officer will stay his hands vis--vis the show cause notice of March 11, 2023," it added.
The court listed the matter for further hearing on September 14 and asked the officer concerned to first deal with the objections of Sibal. Sibal has challenged the notice issued by the IT department under Section 153C of the Income Tax Act concerning (assessment year) AY 2013.