Mumbai:The Bombay High Court on Thursday rejected the petition filed by Shiv Sena leader and former MP Anandrao Adsul challenging a case registered by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) against him in connection with an alleged Rs 980 crore fraud at the City Co-operative Bank.
A division bench of Justices Nitin Jamdar and Sarang Kotwal, while dismissing the petition filed by Adsul, said he was at liberty to approach the special court and seek anticipatory bail if he is apprehending arrest.
Adsul had moved the high court earlier this month challenging the case and the summons issued by the ED directing him to appear before it for questioning.
Adsul's counsel Abhinav Chandrachud told the court that the proceedings initiated by the ED were at the instance of the political rivals with the support of the ruling party at the Centre (BJP).
"Proceedings initiated by ED against Adsul clearly smack of political vendetta being settled through enforcement agencies which are armed with powers of civil court during investigation and have been elevated to the status of Court," the Sena leader's plea said.