Indore: The Madhya Pradesh High Court on Thursday rejected the bail plea of stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui in a case against him for allegedly passing indecent remarks against Hindu deities and observed that it was the constitutional duty of every citizen and the states to promote harmony among people irrespective of the diversities.
Justice Rohit Arya of the Indore bench of the high court also turned down the bail application of Nalin Yadav, another accused in the case.
The single-bench had on Monday reserved the order on their bail pleas.
In its order passed on Thursday, the court, while dismissing the bail pleas, said it refrains from commenting upon the contentions of the parties touching on merits, but based on the material seized, the statement of the witnesses and considering that the investigation is in progress, no case is made out for grant of bail.
While dismissing the bail plea, the judge ruled, "This court has carefully perused the case diary. The statements of witnesses recorded under section 161 CrPC, particularly the statements of the complainant Eklavya Singh Gaud and witness Kunal."