New Delhi:The Delhi High Court has refused to interfere with the dismissal of a BSF constable who was allegedly in contact with a suspected Pakistan Intelligence Operative (PIO) since 2018 and was found to be in possession of four mobile phones and five SIM cards while being deployed at Indo-Pakistan Border.
A bench headed by Justice Manmohan dismissed the petitioner constable's plea for reinstatement and said that his explanation that he used the devices to talk to his family members and that he brought one instrument to repair and purchased another for his son, was completely fanciful and has been rightly rejected by the competent authority.
The bench, also comprising Justice Navin Chawla, said the petitioner's claim that there was no cogent evidence against him cannot be accepted and there was no infirmity in the authorities' decision to dispense with the formal disciplinary inquiry before passing the order of dismissal. The bench added, if a show-cause notice is to be issued to him and a reply thereto is to be sought, it would jeopardise the national security.
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The petitioner, who joined BSF as a constable in January 2002, was dismissed from service on the allegation that in November 2020 he had taken his mobile phone on duty and contacted a suspected PIO. Later, he was found in possession of four mobile phones and five SIM cards during a search of his belonging.