New Delhi:The Delhi High Court has agreed to quash a stalking case against a man after the complainant woman said she does not wish to pursue it and ordered him to pay Rs 30,000 as cost. The high court said since the parties have arrived at a settlement and no disputes are pending, it is convinced that quashing such proceedings on account of compromise will bring about peace and secure ends of justice.
This should not be treated as a legal precedent and in this case the proceedings are quashed as the respondent has decided to put a quietus to the matter. "The court does not see any fruitful purpose if criminal proceedings are permitted to be prosecuted any further. It is a fit case for quashing. In this view of the matter, there is no reason to continue the proceedings, Justice Jasmeet Singh said in a recent order.
However, the judge said he was of the view that considerable time of the police and judiciary has been wasted, as the FIR is of 2020 and charge sheet has already been filed. The police machinery has been put in motion on account of the acts of commission and omission on behalf of the parties and useful time of the police which could have been utilised for important matters has been misdirected towards this case.