New Delhi: The Delhi High Court Wednesday dismissed a PIL, with the cost of Rs 20,000, for action against private schools which have been allegedly overcharging fees and denying online classes to students during the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, saying it is a ''publicity'' interest litigation and not in the public interest.
A bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice Prateek Jalan said the petition has been filed without doing any homework on which schools are overcharging fees or are denying access to online classes as these details have not been indicated.
The petition claims that "proper" online classes are not being held, the court said and asked what the petitioner means by "proper".
"It is such a vague term. Anything can be termed as not being proper," the bench said, adding that it appeared to be a "bogus matter".
"Without doing any homework this petition has been filed. No details have been given. It appears that this is a publicity interest litigation. It is not public interest litigation (PIL) at all," the bench said and directed that the cost of Rs 20,000 be deposited within four weeks in favour of the Delhi Legal Services Authority.