New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Wednesday issued notice to Delhi Government on a petition challenging the appointment of Medical Director of Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital in Rohini here. A Division Bench headed by Chief Justice DN Patel asked the Delhi Government and others to file and listed the matter for August 23. The petition was filed by Suresh Gaur through advocate Avadh Kaushik. The petitioner said that the appointment of Dr Navneet Kumar Goel, Specialist Grade-I (Orthopedics) as the 'Medical Director' of Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital in Rohini, Delhi vide their order dated March 10, 2021, was absolutely anomalous, illegal, arbitrary, biased and without jurisdiction action of the respondent.
He has sought quashing and setting aside the appointment of respondent Goel to the post of Medical Director of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital, Rohini, Delhi made vide impugned Order dated March 10, 2021, being the same totally illegal, arbitrary, malafide, biased and without jurisdiction, authority and power. In the petition, the petitioner has urged for calling for the record of the case for perusal. The petitioner sought to direct respondents to explain as to under what power and capacity and under what Rules and Statute, they have appointed Dr Navneet Kumar Goel as the Medical Director of Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital, Rohini, Delhi, despite he, being Junior and ineligible for the said post.
Also read: More strict measures required to curb COVID-19 spread in Delhi, HC tells