Mumbai:The Bombay High Court on Thursday extended till December 2, the time granted to poet Varavara Rao, an accused in the Elgar-Parishad-Maoist links case who is currently out on medical bail, to surrender before the Taloja prison authorities in Maharashtra.
Rao, 83, had been granted interim bail for six months on medical grounds by the HC on February 22 this year. He was scheduled to surrender and return to judicial custody on September 5.
However, the poet-activist filed an application through his lawyers R Sathyanarayanan and senior counsel Anand Grover, seeking extension of medical bail. He also sought permission to stay in his hometown of Hyderabad while out on bail.
On Thursday, Grover told a bench of Justices Nitin Jamdar and SV Kotwal that while out on bail, Rao's health condition deteriorated and he had been admitted to privately-run Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai for treatment from November 6 to November 16. Grover urged the HC to extend the octogenarian's medical bail by four months.
On previous hearings, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) had opposed Rao's plea for extension of medical bail and shifting to Hyderabad, saying his medical reports do not indicate that he suffers from any serious ailment.
On Thursday, NIA counsel Sandesh Patil told the court that Rao must restrict his prayer in present petition to extension of his medical bail. Patil said the accused must be directed to file a separate petition to seek other reliefs, including the permission to shift to his hometown while on bail. The HC adjourned further hearing on Rao's plea to November 29.