New Delhi:The Delhi High Court on Friday declined to entertain a plea to restrain the media from 'sensationalising' the trial of wrestler and two-time Olympic medallist Sushil Kumar in connection with the death of a 23-year old wrestler, and seeking rules for reporting criminal cases, saying a PIL cannot be filed for an individual who is a "vigilant person".
A bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice Jyoti Singh said the petition has been filed on behalf of a "vigilant person" Sushil Kumar. Sushil claimed the media of defaming him by its reportage of the murder case in which he is the prime accused.
"You cannot file a PIL for an individual. We see no reason to entertain litigation on behalf of a vigilant person," the court said and disposed of the plea by a law student.
The law student had alleged that Kumar's career and reputation has been damaged by the media's reporting of the case against him in connection with the Chhatrasal Stadium brawl that led to the death of the 23-year-old wrestler.
Also read:Delhi High Court likely to hear today petition moved by Sushil Kumar's mother to stop media trial
On May 23, a Delhi court sent Kumar to 6-day police custody for interrogation in connection with the killing of a fellow wrestler, saying the allegations against him are serious in nature and that no one is above the law.
Kumar and his associates allegedly assaulted wrestler Sagar Dhankar (23) and two of his friends, Sonu and Amit Kumar, at the Chhatrasal Stadium, on the intervening night of May 4 and 5. Sagar succumbed to the injuries later.