New Delhi:Delhi High Court on Tuesday asked the city government to inform its stand on a PIL alleging that job postings on its website were being advertised below the fixed minimum wage. The Public Interest Litigation (PIL) sought to direct the Delhi government to stop allowing any individual, company, organisation or establishment from advertising vacancies below the fixed minimum wages on the official portal of the Government of NCT of Delhi or any other place.
A bench of Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Subramonium Prasad asked the counsel for the Delhi government to take instructions from the authorities on the issue and listed the matter for further hearing on May 23. Petitioner Mohd Imran Ahmad claimed in his plea that he was seeking protection of the fundamental rights of workers or labourers, enforcement of labour laws and termination of bonded labour in Delhi.
Santosh Kumar Tripathi, the Delhi government's standing counsel, said private jobs were advertised during the COVID-19 pandemic and they do not belong to the government. He said the government circular is very clear that minimum wages have to be adhered to. The plea said the Delhi government had made an online portal on which thousands of job opportunities were being advertised.