New Delhi: The Delhi High Court Monday asked all the District Magistrates and SDMs here to file status reports on the complaints received by them under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 and the time within which action was taken. A bench of Acting Chief Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Sachin Datta initiated on its own a PIL based on a letter received by a woman advocate highlighting the state of affairs prevailing concerning the implementation of the Act.
The high court said it has been pointed out in the letter by advocate Neha Rai that the statutory authorities -- the District Magistrates (DM) and the Sub-Divisional Magistrates (SDM) are failing in expeditious implementation of the Act and that the appeals and cries of senior citizens have to be attended to on urgent basis to provide them relief or else their very existence is put in jeopardy. The court issued notice to the Delhi government through Chief Secretary, Delhi State Legal Service Authority (DSLSA), District Magistrates, and all the SDMs in Delhi.