Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Friday appointed Justice J P Deodhar, a former judge of the high court, as commissioner to probe the incident of building collapse in suburban Malad here which claimed the lives of 12 persons including eight children.
A bench of Chief Justice Dipankar Datta and Justice G S Kulkarni earlier in the day ordered a judicial probe into the incident. The bench subsequently appointed Justice (retd) Deodhar as inquiry commissioner.
The inquiry will fix accountability for the incident, ascertain if the owner of the building had obtained a prior sanction for construction from municipal authorities and if any planning or civic authority had taken action such as issuance of notices against the building in the past. A preliminary inquiry report should be submitted by June 24, the high court said.
Also Read: Police to file case against owner of building that collapsed in Mumbai's Malad
During the hearing, the judges said they were immensely pained by the incident in which eight innocent children lost their lives.
Those in charge of the municipal ward of Malvani area where the building stood must be held accountable, it said.
Between May 15 and June 10 this year, four incidents of building collapse were reported in Mumbai and adjoining areas in which a total of 24 people died, the court noted. "What is happening? How many lives will be lost? What type of buildings are these? Were they identified as dangerous or illegal, but not demolished or were they not identified?" HC said.