New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Thursday asked Shahrukh Pathan, who is accused of allegedly aiming a pistol at a police head constable during the 2020 northeast Delhi riots, and in other related cases, to file an application before the trial court for an early hearing of his plea alleging that he was assaulted by jail officials.
A single-judge bench of Justice Amit Sharma, who was dealing with a similar petition moved by Pathan, said that since a plea has already been moved before the trial court, it is only just if an application is filed before the concerned court. Representing Pathan, counsel Khalid Akhtar contended that the trial court, which listed the matter for the next hearing on February 28, has not passed any order or direction that relevant CCTV footage be preserved or produced.
Akhtar said: "There was no order to the effect that some adequate safety measures be provided to him." To this, Justice Sharma orally said that the prerequisite is that Pathan moves an application before the concerned court, and if it does not work out, the court will grant him the liberty. "You move an application for an early hearing before the trial court. If nothing happens, we will see. We will give you the liberty," he said.