New Delhi:The Delhi High Court on Friday adjourned hearing till July 15 on a habeas corpus petition filed by accused Gulfisha Fatima in connection with the northeast Delhi violence last year. The Delhi High Court vacation bench deferred the hearing citing a large number of cases listed before it. In a counter-affidavit filed through advocates, Amit Mahajan and Rajat Nair, the special cell of Delhi Police had submitted that Fatima's habeas corpus plea is not maintainable.
In her habeas corpus petition, Fatima prayed for a direction for her release in connection with a larger conspiracy case relating to North East violence under stringent provisions of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). Delhi Police had submitted that on September 16, 2020, the charge-sheet was filed before the Trial Court against the petitioner Fatima and other co-accused. On September 17, the court had taken cognizance of the offences. "The Petitioner is in judicial custody pursuant to the order passed by the Trial Court under Section 309 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Therefore, detention of the Petitioner in judicial custody is legal and valid," the police said.
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Delhi Police further submitted that the present petition by Fatima is false, frivolous and vexatious, abuse and misuse of the process of law. The petition has been filed on baseless, concocted, motivated and absurd facts and circumstances of the case and there is no cause of action in the present matter. The petition is absolutely misconceived, unmerited and being devoid of the merits of the case, the police had submitted.