Raipur: Eight Bharatiya Janata Party functionaries were issued notices by Chhattisgarh police on Friday for allegedly posting content on social media that spreads hate, an official said. They have been asked to appear before police and present factual statements related to such posts, Raipur Senior Superintendent of Police Prashant Agrawal said.
The eight comprise BJP spokesperson Sanjay Shrivastava, IT cell in charge of BJP Chhattisgarh's Twitter handle Sunil Pillai, treasurer Nandan Jain, BJP trade cell president Kedarnath Gupta, BJP Yuva Morcha Mandal president Yogi Sahu, divisional Yuva Morcha coordinator Kamal Sharma, DD Nagar BJP Yuva Morcha member Shubhankar and party worker Bittu Panigrahi. The Congress had, on April 12, filed a complaint with Raipur police claiming such posts were spreading hate.