Panipat:The Panipat police on Tuesday recovered the dead body of a woman wrapped in a suitcase on the Rohtak National Highway near Siwah village in Panipat. As informed by the probing officials, the age of the deceased woman is estimated to be around 50 years though her identity is not ascertained yet. After getting information about the case, the local police and FSL team immediately reached the spot and took the dead body into custody. The body was further sent to the general hospital for postmortem.
As informed by ASP Mayank Mishra, this suitcase was seen lying on the Rohtak highway by passers-by at around 1 pm on Tuesday. The size of the suitcase seemed huge, due to which the passers-by got suspicious, and informed the police. A team of local police reached the spot and found the dead body of a woman with her hands and legs tied from the inside. The officials immediately sealed the area and took the dead body into custody. They also alerted the CIA team and asked them to send a team of officials on the spot.