Chandigarh:The Haryana government on Thursday proposed allocating Rs 50 crore in the 2023-24 budget for the construction of an additional Vidhan Sabha building. Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said the government has identified a site in Chandigarh where an additional complex for the Vidhan Sabha can be constructed and is in discussion with the UT Administration here for allotment of the site.
"I propose to make a provision of Rs 50 crore for the construction of the additional Vidhan Sabha premises," Khattar, who also holds the Finance portfolio, said as he presented a Rs 1.83 lakh crore budget for 2023-24 in the state assembly here. Notably, last year, Haryana's proposed move of seeking a piece of land in Chandigarh for setting up its additional building Vidhan Sabha had evoked sharp reaction from political parties in Punjab which said that they will never allow it to happen, saying Chandigarh belongs to Punjab only.