Fatehabad (Haryana): An open letter by a drunkard to Haryana Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala urging him to add flavour to Desi liquor has been in circulation on social media. The applicant's name is Birendra Sangwan. Annoyed over the taunts Birendra was receiving from his wife and others for bad breath after taking the country-made alcohol, he was compelled to shoot off a letter to Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala.
The letter stated, "We poor people consume country liquor because it is cheap and affordable. But the companies are making substandard country liquor. Whenever I sit adjacent to my wife and others they ask me to push off or stay away due to bad breath. Alcoholics taking Desi liquor also play an important role in enhancing the exchequer of the Haryana government. Hence, our plea must be taken into consideration."