Chandigarh:After the Congress drubbing in assembly polls in five states, the party has geared up for reshuffle in the organisational structure from district to state level. Speaking about it, Haryana Congress spokesperson, Kewal Dhingra said, "The District Committees are formed then Pradesh Congress Committees are constituted. When this formation of committees at district and state levels is completed then process to elect presidents in different states will commence.".
Congress reshuffle in Haryana: 'Party election committee decides, not stature'
After the Congress drubbing in assembly polls in five states, the party has geared up for reshuffle in the organisational structure from district to state level.
On former Haryana chief minister Bhupendra Singh Hooda's bid to install his son Deepender Hooda as the president of Haryana Pradesh Congress Committee, Dhingra, said Bhupendra Singh Hooda was a big face in Haryana Congress. "He was MP, MLA, state head and chief minister of the state for more than a decade. His stature in Haryana Congress is high. But, the Congress election committee takes care of the party's organisational polls. Stature doesn't come in the way during the selection of state heads and party's other office-bearers," he added.