Chandigarh: A 12-year-old boy from Haryana has created a record of sorts by creating three smartphone apps and registering his name in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest app developer. Karthikeya is 12 years old from Haryana. Kartikeya, who is studying the eighth standard in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, has created three apps at a young age and is getting praise from all.
The inspiration behind the apps dates back to COVID lockdown days. During the lockdown period, Karthikeya's father brought a smartphone with Rs 10,000 for his son's online classes. Within a few days, the phone stopped working in the middle of classes. Karthikeya searched on YouTube and came to know about some errors in the software of the cellphone and fixed them on his own.
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Suddenly the boy became interested in coding and started learning online. The boy went on to create three apps-one for general knowledge, another for coding and graphics, and the third for digital education. Karthikeya is currently training around 45,000 people for free through the three apps. Apart from technical aspects, Karthikeya is ahead in education too.
He has cleared the examination conducted by the prestigious Harvard University and won a scholarship and is currently pursuing B Sc in Computer Science. Chief Minister Manoharlal Khattar, who came to know about the intelligence of this boy, called him and congratulated him. Kartikeya said that he likes Prime Minister Modi and gets inspiration from him. His aim is to serve India in the future, he said.