New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday granted three months of interim bail to Jitendra Narayan Tyagi on medical grounds in connection with the Haridwar Dharma Sansad case involving alleged inflammatory speeches made against Muslims. A bench comprising Justices Ajay Rastogi and Vikram Nath directed Tyagi, formerly known as Wasim Rizvi, to give an undertaking that he would not indulge in hate speech and not give any statement on electronic or digital, or social media.
Tyagi had approached the top court after the Uttarakhand High Court dismissed his bail plea in March this year. The case against him and others had been lodged on the complaint of Nadeem Ali, a resident of Jwalapur Haridwar at Haridwar Kotwali on January 2, 2022. He had alleged in his complaint that Dharma Sansad or religious Parliament was organised in Haridwar by Hindu sages from December 17 to 19 last year and in the garb of this event, the participants were instigated to wage a war against Muslims. Objectionable words were used against the holy Quran and Prophet Mohammad, Ali had said in his complaint, adding these provocative statements had later gone viral on social media.