New Delhi: Union Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Ramdas Athawale on Monday extended his support to the Rana couple on behalf of the Republican Party of India (Athawale) and said that the couple has full right to speak about the injustice done to them. After being released from the jail, Lok Sabha MP from Amravati Navneet Rana and her MLA husband Ravi Rana reached Delhi to meet Home Minister Amit Shah and Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla.
Regarding the couple's visit to Delhi to complain about the alleged misconduct done to them in custody here, Union Minister Ramdas Athawale, in an exclusive conversation with ETV Bharat's Anamika Ratna, said, "They have full right to meet the Home Minister and speaker of Lok Sabha to put forward the injustice done to them. In fact, they have the right to meet whoever they want to meet. The couple has full support from the Republican party. We condemn the injustice done to the Rana couple."
He condemned the injustice done to the Rana couple and said that they had only announced to recite the Hanuman Chalisa, but had not done anything further. The inhuman treatment of the administration and the Maharashtra government with the couple is unfair, said Athawale. He further said, "They had just announced to recite the Hanuman Chalisa in front of Matoshree's bungalow. Police arrested them from their house and filed a case against them. They have been charged with sedition, this is unfair. The administration and government are playing with democracy. The pressure mechanism of the Uddhav Thackeray government is not right."