Vaishali ( Bihar): Former Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav was granted bail by a court in Hajipur in Bihar on Saturday. He was granted bail in a case relating to an incident on September 27, 2015, where he allegedly made casteist remarks while addressing a meeting in Rasiya Bihari of the Ganga Bridge police station area. Yadav appeared for the hearing through video conferencing.
After the video of the speech surfaced, Sadar Circle Inspector Niranjan Kumar registered a case against Yadav on September 29 2015 under several sections of the IPC. Yadav's counsel advocate Shyam Babu Rai said, "Lalu Prasad Yadav was accused of making caste remarks which annoyed the people. We deny the allegation. He did not use any such word, which would hurt anyone."