Kolkata:The singer-turned-politician and the Lok Sabha member, Babul Supriyo met the West Bengal chief minister, Mamata Banerjee at the state secretariat of Nabanna on Monday afternoon. This was his first meeting with the Trinamool Congress supremo since he joined the party from BJP two days ago. However, even after the meeting, it was not clear what would be Supriyo's responsibilities in Trinamool Congress.
Dodging the question of his party responsibility, Supriyo said, "the answer for all these questions would be available at the right moment."
He was beaming with happiness after his meeting with the chief minister. He did not forget to mention that in the course of the meeting the chief minister also gifted a book for his father. "The manner in which the chief minister and the Trinamool Congress's all- India general secretary, Abhishek Banerjee greeted him to the party whole-heartedly, he is grateful to both of them. I am so happy that Mamata Banerjee has trusted me so much despite the fact that I joined Trinamool Congress from a rival camp," he said after the meeting.
Referring to his past meetings with the CM in the past, Supriyo said, "I had several discussions with her on the issue of East-West Metro. So meeting between us is nothing new. In today's meeting we also discussed music. She assured me that I will be able to pursue my singing career besides pursuing political activities. She will inform me about my responsibilities. I should not speak about my forthcoming responsibilities in public right at this moment. I do not have that authority either. However, I am grateful to the chief minister that she has given me the opportunity to work for the people. She also reminded me that I will have to sing a song of her choice," he added.