Palanpur: Five persons, including a minor brother-sister duo, were killed, while two others suffered grievous injuries after a car rammed into a moving tractor in Banaskantha district of Gujarat, police said on Sunday. While four of the deceased were family members who were travelling in the car, the fifth victim was the driver of the tractor, they said.
Gujarat: Two minor siblings among five killed as car hits tractor, two injured
At least five persons including a minor brother-sister duo were killed after a car rammed into a moving tractor in Banaskantha district of Gujarat.
The accident occurred late Saturday night, an official said. "A speeding car, carrying six members of a family, including two children, rammed into a tractor going ahead on a national highway between Tharad and Dhanera near Pavadasan village in the district, killing five on the spot," the official of Tharad police station said.
A seven-year-old girl, her five-year-old brother, her uncle and grandfather were those killed, while the children's mother and grandmother were grievously injured and were rushed to a nearby hospital where they are undergoing treatment, he added.
The driver of the tractor flung into the air and fell on the road due to the impact of the collision and died on the spot, the official said. "The car was taking the six family members from a village in Dhanera taluka of the district to their native place, located around 12 km, when it met with the accident," he said.
car hits tractor in Gujarat