Vadodara:Gujarat BJP leader Sunita Shukla has objected to the proposed “Sologamy' plan of a 24-year-old Gujarat woman warning that she will not allow the ceremony to take place at any temple in the state. The woman Kshama Bindu has decided to marry “herself” on June 11 at Gotri Mandir. However, BJP leader Sunita Shukla said that the girl will not be allowed to do so saying “such marriages are against Hinduism”.
“This will reduce the population of Hindus. If anything goes against religion, then no law will work,” she said. As for Bindu, she said, “I did online research about self-marriage to find out whether any other woman in the country has married herself, but there was none. In such a situation, I myself turned out to be the first and only girl in the country to become an example of self-marriage. I am marrying myself because I love myself”.