Gandhinagar: In a joint operation, Gujarat police's Anti-Terrorist Squad and Directorate of Revenue Intelligence seized 40 kg heroin worth 200 crores from Kolkata Port on Friday. The drug stock was brought to Kolkata port in a scrap container from Dubai in February this year, informed the probing officials.
Gujarat ATS and DRI recover 40 kg heroin worth 200 crores from Kolkata Port
According to the Gujarat Police chief DGP Ashish Bhatia, the operation 'Gear Box' was executed at the Container Fright Station named 'Century' in Kolkata. A search operation is still underway in Kolkata while the officials suspect more potential confiscations, said Gujarat Police chief DGP Ashish Bhatia.
According to the Gujarat Police chief DGP Ashish Bhatia, the operation 'Gear Box' was executed at the Container Fright Station named 'Century' in Kolkata. He further informed that the container had 7,220 kg of metal scrap in which there were 36 different gearboxes, 12 of them marked with white ink, when nut bolts were opened, 72 packets were found having 39.5 kg of heroin worth 198 crores.
A search operation is still underway in Kolkata while the officials suspect more potential confiscations, said Bhatia.
Anti Terrorist Squad