Khargone: Amid a strict curfew in Madhya Pradesh's violence-hit Khargone, a groom was forced to take the bride home on a motorcycle. Totaram Nagraj's daughter Deepika was married on Friday to Lakhan Bhalse. Amid a strict curfew in Khargone, neither the band was played, nor any traditional farewell procession was taken out. Only the people of both families attended the wedding and after marriage, the bride was sent off with the groom on the bike.
The family members of the bride and groom said that preparations for the wedding had started four months ago, but due to the imposition of a curfew after the April 10 riots, the entire preparations were ruined. Even after everything was booked, the bride and groom had to get married in a simple way, in which the groom also came without a mare and the bride had to bid farewell on a bike. The bride and groom say that they had never imagined that the wedding would happen in this way, and they feel very bad that the guests could not attend.