New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday greeted Nationalist Congress Party president and former Maharashtra chief minister Sharad Pawar on his 82nd birthday. Pawar is one of the most experienced leaders in the country, having served as chief minister of his state and as a union minister in different governments at the Centre.
PM Modi greets Pawar on his birthday
Sharad Pawar is one of the most experienced leaders in the country, having served as chief minister of his state and as a union minister in different governments at the Centre. He is also known for his links across the parties and enjoys a stature independent of his party's regional influence.
Greetings on Sharad Pawar birthday
He is also known for his links across the parties and enjoys a stature independent of his party's regional influence. Modi tweeted, "Birthday greetings to Shri Sharad Pawar Ji. I pray for his long and healthy life." (PTI)