Hyderabad (Telangana):The police arrested a government teacher and the driver while transporting cannabis (ganja) from Maharashtra to Telangana. The Ramnagar police in Maharashtra's Chandrapur district on Saturday conducted a vehicle inspection and caught Maachidi Srinivas Goud, a government teacher from Manthani town, and Ganta Shankar while they were transporting ganja in two separate cars on the Maharashtra and Telangana border. The police found 103.83 kg of cannabis worth Rs 32 lakh in the two vehicles and they seized ganja, two cars.
Govt teacher, driver from Telangana held for transporting ganja in Maharashtra
The police arrested a government teacher and the driver while transporting cannabis (ganja) from Maharashtra to Telangana.
Government Teacher Along With His Uncle's Driver Caught Transporting Cannabis From Maharashtra
Srinivas Goud works as a teacher in Bestapalli Primary School in Manthani. The man, who was driving the car, was the former driver of his uncle, a TRS zonal leader.
READ:High-grade ganja imported from US seized in Hyderabad, two held