New Delhi: In a major crackdown against Pakistan-funded fake news network, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Friday said that it has blocked 35 YouTube Channels, two Twitter accounts, two Instagram accounts, one Facebook account and two fake news websites. Officials said these social media handles and fake news websites were involved in spreading anti-India fake news in a coordinated manner over digital media.
“The YouTube accounts blocked by the Ministry had a total subscriber base of over 1 crore 20 lakh, and their videos had over 130 crore views. Additionally, two Twitter accounts, two Instagram accounts, and one Facebook account have also been blocked by the Government for being involved in spreading coordinated anti-India disinformation over the internet,” said the government.
The ministry issued five separate orders under Rule 16 of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 for blocking these Pakistan based social media accounts and websites.
Officials said Indian intelligence agencies were closely monitoring these social media accounts and websites and flagged them to the ministry of information and broadcasting for immediate action.
Coordinated Disinformation Network
According to officials, the major crackdown was against the 35 YouTube channels and all of them were operating from Pakistan. They were identified to be a part of four coordinated disinformation networks. These include the Apni Duniya Network operating 14 YouTube channels, and Talha Films Network operating 13 YouTube channels. A set of four channels and two other YouTube channels were also found to be acting in synchronization with each other.