New Delhi: A war of words broke out between the Opposition and the ruling BJP on Friday over nominated member Rakesh Sinha's speech on a private member resolution moved by BJP MP Biplab Kumar Deb from Tripura which seeks setting up an Agarwood Board of India under the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
Supporting the resolution nominated member Rakesh Sinha said that Deb could have submitted a memorandum to the concerned ministry and it should have been easily implemented. He also said that the government should identify the climatic zones across the country where agarwood can be grown and demanded a strong policy to promote agarwood and grants for the same.
During Sinha's speech, some points of order were raised by Opposition MPs regarding the time allotted to a member for speaking on a private member business. Reacting to a point of order raised by RJD MP Manoj Kumar Jha, Union Minister and Leader of the House Piyush Goyal said: "It is a very very unfortunate incident that certain members of Parliament are resorting to the rule book with absolutely unconnected issues which are not connected with the debate at all."
The Union Minister also asked why the Opposition MPs did not remember this rule when the Opposition parties disrupted the House. Goyal further alleged that the Opposition MPs are not allowing discussion on important tribal issues. Later Goyal again intervened more urging the Chair to let Sinha conclude his speech.
However, the resolution was supported by MPs cutting across party lines. Deb demanded the government to smoothen the procedure for the export of products made from agarwood such as oil, dry roots, and chips which he thinks can do business of around Rs 5,000 crore.